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Module 1 : Introduction to Taoism

  • 7 Steps



Discover the Secrets of Taoism: A Complete Course on Chi Kung, Sexual Transmutation and the Taoist Worldview Welcome to our introductory Taoism course, an enriching experience that will give you a full preview of our online offering. This course will take you on a journey through the depths of Taoism, exploring its relationship with Chi Kung, the art of Sexual Transmutation, and much more. Prepare to immerse yourself in a world of ancient wisdom and transformative practices. Featured Course Contents: Introduction to Taoism: Begin your journey with a basic understanding of the principles of Taoism, a philosophy and spiritual practice that seeks harmony with the Tao, the fundamental principle of the universe. Full Online Course Preview: Get an exclusive preview of what our full online course will offer, including interactive sessions, practical exercises and detailed study material. Relationship between Tao and Chi Kung: Explore how Chi Kung, an energy cultivation practice, is intertwined with Taoist principles, and how you can use it to improve your health and well-being. The Art of Sexual Transmutation: Discover Taoist techniques to transform and elevate sexual energy, a powerful tool for personal and spiritual growth. Brief History of Our Lineage: Learn about the rich history and lineage of our teachers and how they have preserved and transmitted these teachings through the generations. Tao Worldview: Delve into the worldview according to Taoism, understanding how this philosophy views nature, the universe and human life. Dark Room Technology: Explore this fascinating Taoist practice that uses darkness as a tool for spiritual growth and inner transformation. This course is a unique opportunity for those interested in delving deeper into Taoism and its associated practices. we will provide you

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