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Despierta tokens

Earn points and turn them into rewards

  1. 01

    Sign Up

    Sign up as a member to start enjoying the loyalty program

  2. 02

    Earn Points

    Earn points by signing up to the site and by placing orders.

  3. 03

    Redeem Rewards

    Redeem points for various discounts.

Program tiers

Reach new tiers as you earn more points.

  1. Basic

    0 total earned points required

    Earn Points

    • Book a session

      Get 10 Despiertatokens

    • Buy a ticket

      Get 1 Despiertatokens for every MX$1 spent

    • Order a plan

      Get 20 Despiertatokens

    • Purchase a product

      Get 10 Despiertatokens

    • RSVP to an event

      Get 10 Despiertatokens

    • Sign up to the site

      Get 20 Despiertatokens

    Redeem Rewards

    • 5% off

      30 Despiertatokens = 5% off a specific plan

    • Canjea tus puntos para un descuento

      30 Despiertatokens = MX$15 discount


All rights reserved Despierta 2023

Despierta is not responsible for errors in the information caused by the internet connection or browser version. To guarantee the correct visualization and certainty of the information shown here, we recommend using the following browsers: Internet Explorer 11, Microsoft edge 25, Google Chrome 48, Firefox 44, Opera 35, Safari 9 or higher versions than those mentioned. To see the updated offer, we recommend refreshing your browser window.

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